​P R O G R A M S
We will provide direct representation in special education cases. For individual cases, we seek client-specific relief (i.e. securing updated evaluations). For high impact cases, we seek both individual and systemic relief. For example, Claire filed a state complaint on behalf of 1 client and all similarly situated youth, resulting in both client-specific and systemic relief for 1000s through an interagency policy agreement.
Under our advocacy programs, we will develop and lead trainings and legal workshops for professional stakeholders. We will conduct youth sessions, including targeted Know-Your-Rights and information trainings during all stages of the incarceration and reentry process. This will equip black males with legal tools, empowering them to advocate for their own education and future. For both projects, we will collaborate with local providers. We also will generate policy reports on best practices and recommendations based on SJP data.